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ESL Teachers' Directory > Blogs and Message Posting (7)

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My Language Travel  My Language Travel
My Language Travel
CPI Tino Grandío Bilingual Sections  CPI Tino Grandío Bilingual Sections
CPI Tino Grandío Bilingual Sections
TEFL Blog - Random thoughts and TEFL Advice - i-to-i  TEFL Blog - Random thoughts and TEFL Advice - i-to-i
TEFL Blog - Random thoughts and TEFL Advice - i-to-i
Kimchi-icecream: What are good EFL/ESL lesson plan, activity, game, resource books for teaching English in a Korean high school? - Here's my list.
Kimchi-icecream: What are good EFL/ESL lesson plan, activity, game, resource books for teaching English in a Korean high school? - Here's my list.
Doctoral Degree - ESL/TESL/TESOL.... - Online degree forum
Doctoral Degree - ESL/TESL/TESOL.... Online Degree Chat
For this English news lesson, I'm going to show you story about how President Obama said that American students should try to be more like Korean students. Personally, I disagree because most Korean students would much rather be an American student because being a student in Korea is so hard..
Voices That Must Be Heard: First-generation Korean ESL teachers’ jobs threatened - New York Community Media Alliance
Voices That Must Be Heard: First-generation Korean ESL teachers’ jobs threatened - New York Community Media Alliance

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This site was last updated 08/09/09

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Mark McDowell